Let’s face it, after simplifying my life two years ago I feel much better as a person, mentally, emotionally, financially, spiritually, etc. I have however something that I still need to sort out. I call it “social confusion” and often say that “I am so(cial) confused that I don’t know where is up or down anymore”. I have have too many social media accounts. Period. I created a blog for my travels, then created an Instagram account for my pictures, then a webpage for my business and another webpage for my other business. Then I created a facebook page for the one business and another one for the other business. After that I created two more IG profiles for other types of pics and as if that was not enough I created another blog for the wisdom I have accumulated over the years. So after having a chat the other day with a friend over a glass of beer, he mentioned something about effective blogging and marketing. I realized there and then that I have to sort out my own sh*t otherwise I am going to kill myself with the only thing I have not completely thrown out of my life yet… social media. I need these accounts for various reasons, mostly to maintain my sanity in a world where reality seems to peeve me off everyday but also for marketing purposes and well…… to simplify my life. I just need to streamline them and not duplicate work. So to make it simple (and if you would like to follow any of these), here is a summary of what I have and what it’s for.
My Blogs
Life’s a Beach. This is my travel blog. I will write here if I do a road trip or something adventurous. Did many trips before, not so many anymore.
The Flip Side of Fifty. This is a new blog about all the wisdom I have gained over the years. I reckon I am some sort of guru after 50 years collecting ups and downs, just not on managing social media accounts yet.
Justasurferdude Blog. This is part of my Justasurferdude website now. I used this previously for posting “Specials” only, but from now on this will be for photography AND specials and will also link to my Justasurferdude facebook page which will stay dedicated to photography, tips, shoots, etc.
My Instagram Accounts
@justasurferdude. This is my main IG account for surfing related stuff. I spend the most of my time time on this one and will keep it for surf related pics.
@justasurferdude_photography. This is for other photography that I do. Mainly lifestyle and portrait shoots.
@table_mountain_rocks. This is for pictures of Table Mountain. Not only my pictures but also shared from other profiles as well.
My Facebook pages
Justasurferdude Adventure Photography. The one for my photography business. I post here often and really appreciate all the likes and comments.
Surf Dynamix. The one for my web design business. I hardly ever post here except for specials.
My Websites
Justasurferdude Adventure Photography. The website of all you need to know about my genres, prices, specials and now also, my blog.
Surf Dynamix. All you need to know about website designs and other hosting options.
You don’t have to follow all of these accounts, you might just get socially confused yourself. If you do follow any of these, once again thank you for that, for the comments as well as the likes. I appreciate it.