In The Mist Of Things

I have mentioned before what the challenges are when shooting outdoors.  I usually plan my shoots according to the weather, especially if I am hoping to create a certain mood.  Although none of us can predict the weather to the T, at least we have some indication of what it is going to look like….. unless you live in Cape Town. Last night I had a shoot which I planned for a while now.  Various factors led us to postpone, especially previous weather conditions. The mood board which I had send to the model for approval had a summer breach scene and we were hoping for a nice sunset. Have I mentioned before that I love shooting while the sun sets?  Anyway, the whole day looked perfect.  The sun was shining, no wind, just a slight offshore wind and I was convinced that today was going to be the day.  As I was driving to the beach later in the afternoon, a message came from the make-up artists.  “I am setting up but it looks like it’s going to rain.” Although I knew that my sunset shoot was not going to happen, I was actually glad.  It wasn’t going to […]

September Surfing Photo Shoot Special

Cool, I have drastically reduced my surfing shoot prices for September to still get some good waves before the winter swells disappear. You don’t have to be a good surfer, but it would be good if you can catch a wave, so any level welcome. If you really suck then we just take a nice shot of you walking away like a real surfer in the sunset! Shoots are payable upfront for 90 min sessions at Big Bay or any other local beach here on the West Coast side, from Milnerton up to Melkbos. If you want to go further then you will have to cover travel costs and buy me lunch. Hope to catch you soon on some decent waves…

TFCD Shoots – Ongoing!

Hi.  I am looking for non-professional models between the ages of 18 and 35.  I am offering a FREE (TFCD) photo shoot in order to expand my portrait portfolio, as well as capturing surfing lifestyle images for my @justasurferdude IG account.  My IG account is where I do most of my marketing and I need new faces to keep it alive.  I also need non-surfing images for my model portraits portfolio. Requirements: Any model between 18-35, male or female No modeling experience required, just a sense of humor and a smile. Any shape or size. Clothes of your own choice, beach, bohemian, anything creative, large hats, umbrella, etc. For IG shoot preferably a bikini, surfboards will be provided if you don’t have your own. Visit my IG account or Portraits to see kinds of photos I take. Where: Shoots are normally done at any beach between Dolphin Beach and Derdesteen, depending on weather. We will arrange beforehand. Time: Early morning or late afternoon, just before sunset, any day of the week. What’s in it for you? 20-25 professional hi-res watermarked images for you to use wherever you like. What’s in it for me? Another opportunity to practice and improve my […]