Cleaning Out My Closet
Like most photographers I sit with a huge “closet” full of pictures. Every time I do a shoot, I end up using less than 10% of my images. These images are edited and given to clients, the rest stay on my computer for maybe one day when someone asks me to look back for a picture. For normal shoots I usually delete the images that I cannot use, but for the surfing shoots that I do voluntarily at the beach, I keep. Well, needless to say I run out of storage space very quickly so I decided today is the day that I am cleaning out my closet. If you as me if I shoot in RAW or Jpeg, some people might be surprised that I shoot 99% of the times in jpeg. And the reason for this is exactly what I have described above. I just cannot store so many pictures anymore and RAW files are even worse. It does occasionally happen that people ask me to go back and find images for them, which I normally do. Usually they don’t buy any of the images and that made me wonder. What is the most economical way to approach […]